ISE: Hitachi’s commitment to bringing value to your projection

The expanding range of powerful and innovative projectors from Hitachi will be showcased at ISE 2017

MAIDENHEAD, U.K 17th January 2017 - The Hitachi Digital Media Group is pleased to announce their attendance at ISE 2017, from the 7th-10th February. After a successful visit in 2016, where they launched the world’s first 3500 Lumen LED projectors, the group are now prepared to showcase their powerful range of high end projectors and their commitment to growing their SSL range.

Hitachi will provide ISE attendees a first glimpse of their new addition to the Laser series, LP-WU6600, offering 6000 lumens of clear, high brightness, lamp free projection. Features include 360 degree installation, allowing users to install the projector at any angle and 20,000 hour System Life, providing long hours of continuous projection at a lower cost with less maintenance. Designed with high reliability in mind, yet lower total cost of ownership, this expansion to their SSL range is part of Hitachi’s commitment over the last 12 months to provide the best value to their customers.

Hitachi’s drive to revolutionise the projector market doesn’t stop there; with the expansion of their 5000 series Installation range, the new CP-WX5506M and CP-WU5506M will be on display. Controlled wirelessly from the ease of your own smartphone or tablet; features such as projector stacking, built in blending and warping, and scheduling capabilities is perfect for busy environments that demand the highest quality images in a matter of seconds. In addition, these projectors have high security capability such as MAC Address Filtering and SSID Stealth. Visitors can expect to see an interactive stand from Hitachi this year, with their projector, security solutions and expanded IFPD range on show, including their 75”and a new Ultra High Definition 84” 4K Interactive Flat Panel Display. To be involved, make sure you visit their stand. “2016 has seen Hitachi DMG go from strength to strength. With continuous growth and expansion of a powerful and innovative projector and visual display range”” said Axel Kutschke, Senior Manager- Hitachi Digital Media Group. “2017 is going to be an exciting year for Hitachi and we are looking forward to showing our commitment to providing the customer with added value.” Hitachi welcomes everyone to come and view their dramatic stand at ISE 2017 with innovative demonstrations, including special areas for digital signage, retail and education. To find out more and to speak to members of our team; please visit us in Hall 1, Stand F100

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Published by Corinna Denbow on 08 February 2017