Sahara and Clevertouch win at AV Awards!

Friday night heralded the 2015 AV Awards, or as they are becoming recognised, the Industry Oscars. Sahara / Clevertouch entered four categories and we were shortlisted for all four which was an amazing achievement in its self.

The evening began with a very emotional tribute and standing ovation for Andy Duckworth owner of CDEC who very sadly passed away early last week.

The competition this year in each category was incredibly tough and it was certainly a tense time as the awards began.

The first award of the evening to go to Sahara was Outstanding Contribution to the Industry.

In the Display Product of the Year category Clevertouch Plus received Highly Commended

Sahara also won the final award of the evening - Manufacturer of the Year, which is certainly seen as the one to win. Presented by Toni Barnett and Jack Wycherley from CDEC, Nigel and Kevin accepted the award for Clevertouch as Manufacturer of the year.

Everyone at Sahara is extremely proud of the achievement and it certainly represents everyone’s hard work and dedication.

See the full list of winners

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Published by Corinna Denbow on 29 September 2015